Has anyone use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to download content from websites?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2004
Youll were helping me with another thread earlier today.. And youll were saying .net supports SSL via WebClient.. but...

Does anyone know if vb.net supports PKI ? or has any functions.. or will I have to be writing tons and tons of code?

My implementations is.. I will give 10clients my program.. and this program will come included with a .p12 (x.509) file.. which this is the key.
So when the users run this program, they connect to https://www.myserver.com/ and authenticate themself via PKI.. and after that download /file.exe

(Basically I need:
Client-side Authentication
Client-side authentication is when a server requests the clients certificate for authentication purposes before being allowed to communicate with the server. This assures that the client is not an imposter.
and all this over SSL

Anyone have pointers for this?

Any help would be great!

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use WSE ... change the proxy base calss from
"System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol" to
"Microsoft.Web.Services.WebServicesClientProtocol" then you can add an X509
token to the security elements in your SOAP context ...

(reply to myself)

but has anyone done this..

I see possible issues per:

but have they been resolved? (like the timing issue)
hmmm.. looks that is just if I have control of the server (which I do.. but the https server is apache)