I have a problem reading an excel file in .net
I have something like this:
string strConn = string.Empty;
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=D:\\ICRs.xls;" +
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", strConn);
In the excel file I have a column with data like these, and the format is fixed, I can
I have a problem reading an excel file in .net
I have something like this:
string strConn = string.Empty;
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=D:\\ICRs.xls;" +
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", strConn);
In the excel file I have a column with data like these, and the format is fixed, I can