Question about DirectX 9b vs. 9c


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2003
Hi all,

Im starting into managed DirectX programming, and I have a simple question. The books and research materials that I have cover DirectX 9b. Now, I know that MS changed some things in moving to 9c in regards to some of the properties and classes that are available. If I write a program using 9b, and someone has 9c installed, are there going to be any issues when they run my program?

The main reason Im asking is b/c I just formatted my development machine, and was going to install 9c when it dawned on me that Im going to have a hard time compiling my code from my books. So, I figured if I install 9b from the reference CDs, I could at least get the examples to compile and run. But, if they wont work on a computer with 9c installed, then that doesnt do me any good.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Im %90 sure that your compiled apps will run on any version of DirectX 9b or above, however, Im also pretty sure that you need to have your version of Managed DirectX files included with your app-- some kind of nuaunce with MDX.


Thanks for the reply. That does make sense, b/c I can still play games that were made with DirectX 7 and 8, so that must be the reason. Ill just have to make sure that I include the references to the DirectX 9b files when I package it up.

Thanks again,
