Call the GetCursorPos


Active member
Jun 22, 2005
Hi all
Please help me
I am trying to call the Windows API function "GetVCursorPos" from the PDA emulator that comes with .NET
I did the dll import and imported the appropriate libraries but i receive the following error:
"Method NotFound Exception"
Please help me
Thanks in advance
I dont know if this will help at all, it depends what your trying to achieve. But the Control.PointToScreen() function will turn an application based point into a point relative to the screen.
		private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
			Point pScreenRel = this.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
After doing some research all results points to the fact that GetCursorPosition() only works on devices that actually have a visible cursor. Since a PDA works through a touchscreen and thus has no onscreen cursor, the method does not work correctly.
On further research theres another method that might work in the coredll.dll called GetMouseMovePoints().


		public static extern bool GetMouseMovePoints( Point[] pptBuf, uint
			nBufPoints, ref uint pnPointsRetrieved );
This is used something like the following (note its not fully tested, but it does seem to return the value).

		private Point CursorLocation()
			Point[] defPnt = new Point[1];
			uint iRetrieved = 0;
			uint iSize = (uint)defPnt.Length;
			GetMouseMovePoints(defPnt, iSize, ref iRetrieved);

			return defPnt[0];
Thanks a lot.
What a bad luck.Look what I found on MSDN documentation for the function
This function is not supported for emulation.
I am very sad.