MS Works 8 uses what version of Word


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
Ive got an off topic question that I havent been able to resolve, so here goes.

Does anyone know what version of Word, Access, etc., the MS Works version 8 suite uses?

Im asking because I am trying to find books or other reference materials for someone who is a home computer user and purchased a computer with MS Works version 8 on it. Ive searched Amazon and various other places for books on MS Works 8 but cant find anything.
As far as I can recall from my tutoring days in college (about 3 years ago) theyre incompatable types.

Works is a cheaper home version frankenstein of MS office cobbled together with limited functionality.

Students would get this software for free with their computer, do their homework and then cry when they brought it into school (where we had not a single copy of Works) and they couldnt read/edit/print it.
I can well understand the situation you described. My parents purchased a new computer that has MS Works version 8 on it and while knowing some of the basics of Word and the like, some of the other features and things that you can do with it they havent done before and not sure how to go about doing. So I was thinking perhaps I could find a book on it which would help them out. Weve already been through the cycle of them trying to email me documents and such they created in Works. Ive got Office 2003 Pro at home and well, I couldnt open the files they were sending me because I didnt have Works.

Unfortunately though, I have not been able to find any books on their particular version. It seems that the most recent books on MS Works date back to version 6 of it several years ago. I am reluctant to attempt to acqurie that book because a lot can and does change in two version releases and therefore it would end up being more confusing than anything else.

Thanks for the information, I am running under the impression that there arent any third party books on the subject matter.