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I have a VB6 application that writes a 2 dimensional array (40,1024) to a file using
Where VoltArr is a 40 x 1024 array of double type.
I know need to open that file using .NET 2003.
I need to load the entire array at once just like I did in VB6 using
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Open FilePath For Binary As #FileNum2
Put #FileNum2, , VoltArr
Close #FileNum2
Where VoltArr is a 40 x 1024 array of double type.
I know need to open that file using .NET 2003.
I need to load the entire array at once just like I did in VB6 using
Dim FileNum As Integer
FileNum = FreeFile
Open FName For Binary As #FileNum
Get #FileNum, , ImageArr Populate array
Close #FileNum
Can someone point me in the right direction?
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