Beginner.. need advise! :P


New member
Dec 20, 2005
Hi all,

Im brand new to DirectX and im reading "Managed DirectX 9 Kick Start
Tom Miller".

I actually understand a lots of thing and i need advise for what i want to do..

I explain: My class will receive many Points and I must create a 3D Logs with those points.. I dont know what information I will receive (points) but i think its everything to know the diameter of the logs section and Z position. I know that i will get those informations for each inch of the logs... so I would like to know if i should create my logs with many sections using TriangleStrips or if i should create Mesh File.

If its not clear, i will try to give you better explanation (Im french :P).

Thanks for helping me!
Perhaps it would help if you did give a bit more information. What do you mean by
? If you are ploting some kind of graph what kind of graph, if you are simpy receiving a series of x / y co-ordinates then a triangle / triangle strip is probably the easiest solution.