RegEx match & learning utility


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Rochester, NY
Anybody whos writing a RegEx (regular expression) knows that they can be hard to troubleshoot & debug. Or more importantly, trying to learn them can be equally as hard because there is no easy way to test out your regex.

Because of this, I decided to write a quick & simple .Net 2.0 app that lets you enter a regex and a string to match against, and it displays in realtime if the regex is a match, not a match, or invalid regex. Ive also included the source code, and I welcome anybody to make improvements and email the source back to me. Also, Ive included some regexes I wrote that I like to call my "Ultimate Regexes" because they are very flexible and cover every sane alternate way to enter such data. The regexes Ive included are US Phone, International Email, US Zip Code, US Social Security number and Credit Card number.

[Broken External Image]:

Get the Ulitily (10k zipped .EXE)
Get the Source Code (103k zip)
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