Problem using pictureboxes as buttons...


New member
Jan 4, 2006
Hi, I am using pictureboxes as buttons in VB .net. The main reason is to have a background image and when clicked on it changes pictures and when the mouse button is released the image is changed back to default image. My problem is each time the button is clicked it uses more and more memory after a couple of clicks - i do use "cleanup" code for the objects used. The code for loading my images is in an class.

Friend Sub LoadImageFromRes(ByVal ImageResName As String, ByVal DestCanvas As Object)
Dim tmpResBitmap As Bitmap Temp Bitmap from resourced
Dim tmpBitmap As New Bitmap(CInt(DestCanvas.Width), CInt(DestCanvas.Height)) Temp bitmap to draw to for stretching
Dim tmpGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBitmap) Graphics obj used to stretch the resource bitmap

Resource to load the bitmap from
Dim ResManager As New Resources.ResourceManager("NewProfile.Data", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly)

tmpResBitmap = ResManager.GetObject(ImageResName) Get the temp bitmap from the resource to paint with

tmpGraphics.DrawImage(tmpResBitmap, 0, 0, CInt(DestCanvas.Width), CInt(DestCanvas.Height)) Stretch the resource bitmap to the temp bitmap

DestCanvas.image = tmpBitmap Draw the temp bitmap to destination

Objects Cleanup
tmpResBitmap = Nothing
tmpBitmap = Nothing
ResManager = Nothing
DestCanvas = Nothing
End Sub

The code is called from mouse down and up events. The bitmap is loaded from the resource. The destcanvas argument is a picturebox.

A object of the class is created then this sub is called and the the instance of this class is cleared.
Try changing the end of the routine to
Objects Cleanup

Calling dispose should free up the non-managed memory etc. used by the bitmap objects, setting them to nothing wont have any impact on the memory being freed so there is no need to include those lines.