I doubt well create a separate language-version forum. Theres already enough "confusion" about which forum to use. Adding more will just mean looking in more forums for help.
I think of the different languages similar to different Database questions. Theres one DB forum, not one for SQL Server, Access, DB, Oracle, etc. A question like "How do I select names that start with Bob?" have different answers depending on the DB being used.
Even worse - someone asks "How do I pass a value from one form to another?" and you answer with a C# snippet and theyre mad because they use VB.NET (or vice versa). In my opinion, tough noogies!
I think the trial and error system works best. Meaning, let users ask questions however they want. If they want an answer for C# 2.0, they should mention it. In time - maybe six months give or take - it will be assumed that questions are about .NET 2.0 and youll have to mention if you only have .NET 1.1.
Advanced users will post the right question the first time: "How would I iterate over a typed ArrayList in C# 2.0?". The other users will just have to wait for TWO replies until they learn.
"How do I loop over an ArrayList"
"Heres how (gives example using C# 2.0 features)"
"Sorry, Im using C# 1.1 and we dont have generics"
"Oh, here you go (gives other example)"
I liken the art of posting a question to the art of searching with a search engine. Youll get better the more you practice.