Hi can anyone tell me how i can determine during runtime whether the User is copying or deleting?
Situation is that i have a filewatcher and a timer class which both check a certain directory (my Docs in my case) for its size. So while the size is smaller than a certain value (determined in the registry), it should only check for new incoming files and if there is a change in directory size it should get the size of the whole directory and compair it to that value.
If the size is bigger that value, it should check every X seconds (value again determined in registry) if the size is still to big and give out a warning.
Problem is:
When im deleting files while the the method checks for directory size it happens that he gets a file not found error.
So i need to find out whether the user is actually copying or deleting before i start my method.
Else i need to find another way somehow.
Situation is that i have a filewatcher and a timer class which both check a certain directory (my Docs in my case) for its size. So while the size is smaller than a certain value (determined in the registry), it should only check for new incoming files and if there is a change in directory size it should get the size of the whole directory and compair it to that value.
If the size is bigger that value, it should check every X seconds (value again determined in registry) if the size is still to big and give out a warning.
Problem is:
When im deleting files while the the method checks for directory size it happens that he gets a file not found error.
So i need to find out whether the user is actually copying or deleting before i start my method.
Else i need to find another way somehow.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace MyDocMon
public class MyDocMonitor : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private string _sMyDocPath = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Microsoft").
OpenSubKey("Windows").OpenSubKey("CurrentVersion").OpenSubKey("Explorer").OpenSubKey("Shell Folders").
private int _iShortIntervalReg = Convert.ToInt32(Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Microsoft").
private long _lMaxSizeReg = (long)Convert.ToInt32(Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Microsoft").
private long _lMaxSize = 0;
private int _iShortInterval = 0;
private long _lTotalSize = 0;
private Boolean _bIsTooBig = false;
private Boolean _bCheckerEnable = false;
private Boolean _bWatcherEnable = true;
private Timer _tiReCheck = new Timer();
private FileSystemWatcher _fswMyDocWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
private Message _aMessage = new Message();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
notifyIcon1.Icon = IconWatch;
_lMaxSize = _lMaxSizeReg *1024 * 1024;
_iShortInterval = _iShortIntervalReg * 60 *100;
_tiReCheck.Interval = _iShortInterval;
_tiReCheck.Enabled = true;
_tiReCheck.Tick +=new EventHandler(_tiReCheck_Tick);
_fswMyDocWatcher.Path = _sMyDocPath;
_fswMyDocWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Size;
_fswMyDocWatcher.Filter = "";
_fswMyDocWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = true;
_fswMyDocWatcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(checkSize);
_fswMyDocWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
private void checkSize2 ()
_lTotalSize = 0;
DirectoryInfo aInfo = new DirectoryInfo(_sMyDocPath);
String sTotalSize = Convert.ToString(_lTotalSize /1024 /1024) + " MB";
String sMaxSize = Convert.ToString(_lMaxSize /1024 /1024) + " MB";
if(_lTotalSize > _lMaxSize)
_bIsTooBig = true;
String sDifferenzSize = Convert.ToString((_lTotalSize - _lMaxSize)/1024 /1024) + " MB";
_aMessage.richTextBox1.Text = "Ihre Eigenen Dateien belegen im Moment " + sTotalSize + " / " + sMaxSize
+ ".\n\rBitte entfernen Sie "+ sDifferenzSize + ", da es sonst Probleme mit \n\rIhren Dateien geben kann.";
_bIsTooBig = false;
private void checkSize(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
_bCheckerEnable = false;
_bWatcherEnable = false;
_bCheckerEnable = true;
_bWatcherEnable = true;
private void _tiReCheck_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
_bWatcherEnable = false;
_bCheckerEnable = false;
if (!_bIsTooBig)
_bWatcherEnable = true;
_bCheckerEnable = true;
private void getDirectorySize(DirectoryInfo diMyDocInfo)
foreach(FileInfo aFileInfo in diMyDocInfo.GetFiles())
_lTotalSize += aFileInfo.Length;
foreach (DirectoryInfo aDirInfo in diMyDocInfo.GetDirectories())