Need help w/ MySQL 5, ADO.Net - getting serialization error


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Im stupmed; Im trying to use MySQL 5 w/ DataSets and VB.Net 2003, and am to the point where Im ready to update the database.

Im reading the Microsoft Press ADO.NET book by David Scheppa (starting on pg 408 if that helps anyone); Ive also looked at the example by Mike Hillyer here:
that uses user input from textboxes.

What Im trying to do is write the generic update routines so I can pass it a row that has changed and have those changes sent to the db, assuming that I have already taken care of changing the row in the datatable. Heres my code, which is basically what is in the book...

Public Sub SubmitChangesByHand(ByVal tbl As DataTable)
Dim cmdUpdate As MySqlCommand = CreateUpdateCommand()
Dim cmdInsert As MySqlCommand = CreateInsertCommand()
Dim cmdDelete As MySqlCommand = CreateDeleteCommand

Dim row As DataRow
Dim intRows As Integer
Dim dvrs As DataViewRowState

dvrs = DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent Or DataViewRowState.Deleted Or DataViewRowState.Added
For Each row In tbl.Select("", "", dvrs)
Select Case row.RowState
Case DataRowState.Modified
intRows = SubmitUpdate(row, cmdUpdate)
Case DataRowState.Added
intRows = SubmitInsert(row, cmdInsert)
Case DataRowState.Deleted
intRows = SubmitDelete(row, cmdDelete)
End Select
If intRows = 1 Then
row.RowError = "Update attempt failed"
End If

End Sub

Private Function CreateInsertCommand() As MySqlCommand
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [vendorparts] " & _
"(intJobSerial, intUnitSerial, intRevSerial, dblSection, dblPartSerial) " & _
"VALUES (?intJobSerial, ?intUnitSerial, ?intRevSerial, ?dblSection, ?dblPartSerial)"
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(strSQL, _cn)
Dim pc As MySqlParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters

pc.Add("?intJobSerial", MySqlDbType.UInt32)
pc.Add("?intUnitSerial", MySqlDbType.UInt32)
pc.Add("?intRevSerial", MySqlDbType.UInt32)
pc.Add("?dblSection", MySqlDbType.Double)
pc.Add("?dblPartSerial", MySqlDbType.Double)
pc.Add("?strAssy", MySqlDbType.String)

Return cmd
End Function

Private Function SubmitInsert(ByVal row As DataRow, ByVal cmd As MySqlCommand) As Integer
Dim pc As MySqlParameterCollection = cmd.Parameters
pc("?intJobSerial").Value = row("intJobSerial")
pc("?intUnitSerial").Value = row("intUnitSerial")
pc("?intRevSerial").Value = row("intRevSerial")
pc("?dblSection").Value = row("dblSection")
pc("?dblPartSerial").Value = row("dblPartSerial")
pc("?strAssy").Value = row("strAssy")

Return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
End Function

Return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
in SubmitInsert, the error thrown is:
Only byte arrays and strings can be serialized by MySQLBinary

I have no clue where to even go to look for what I need to do here. Any suggestions anyone? My first thought is I have to change either the data types Im sending or use something other than MySQLBinary for serializing, but thats all new to me... is that the right direction?

I didnt do anything with this over the weekend. I read a little more and still didnt find the answer.

Saw the error again this morning, and so then I tried replacing all of the parameters with MySqlDbType.String as the datatype instead of the actual datatype; Im passing strings, doubles, unsigned ints, and dates, and all works ok.
pc.Add("?intJobSerial", MySqlDbType.String)
pc.Add("?intUnitSerial", MySqlDbType.String)
pc.Add("?intRevSerial", MySqlDbType.String)
pc.Add("?dblSection", MySqlDbType.String)
pc.Add("?dblPartSerial", MySqlDbType.String)
pc.Add("?strAssy", MySqlDbType.String)

So, that tells me that command object expects a string and then handles casting to the appropriate datatype itself.

If anyone knows more about that and would like expand on that, that would be cool, because I would like to better understand whats going on... but for now, this is working and fixed.
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