help with purchase order form


Feb 19, 2006
Hi. I was wandering if you could look at my code i have for a submit button on a purchase order form. In the program when a customer wants to purchase the product, I want the info from the form to be emailed to me from the form. I checked out different sites with different answers but nothing works. I had to pick the delivery method as "PickupDirectoryFromIis" b/c it wouldnt let me specify a default mail client. I stepped through the code and it said it was successfully sent but it never comes in my default emailclient. Here is the code for a submit button.

Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click

Dim email As New MailMessage
Dim messageBody As String = "LblProdName.Text" & "lblProdCode.Text" & "txtFName.Text" & "txtLName.Text" & "txtAdd1.Text" & "txtAdd2.Text" & "txtCity.Text" & "txtZipCode.Text" & "txtPhone.Text" & "txtEmailAddress.Text"
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient

email.From = New MailAddress("user@localhost")
email.Subject = "Submitted Information"
email.Body = messageBody.ToString
smtp.Host = ("")
smtp.Port = 25
smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis

If DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess Then
MessageBox.Show("Information Was Successfully Submitted")
ElseIf DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure Then
MessageBox.Show("Information Was Not Submitted")

End If
Catch ex As Exception
email = Nothing
End Try
txtFName.Text = ""
txtLName.Text = ""
txtAdd1.Text = ""
txtAdd2.Text = ""
txtCity.Text = ""
txtZipCode.Text = ""
txtPhone.Text = ""
txtEmailAddress.Text = ""
cboState.Text = "Please Select"
cboCountry.Text = "Please Select"
cboVisa.Checked = False
cboMasterCard.Checked = False
cboDiscover.Checked = False
cboAmExp.Checked = False
rdoShareIt.Checked = False
rdoPayPal.Checked = False


End Sub
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The section of code
If DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess Then
MessageBox.Show("Information Was Successfully Submitted")
ElseIf DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure Then
MessageBox.Show("Information Was Not Submitted")
will always return true as you are simply comparing DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnSuccess to itself - in fact this enumeration is not intended to be a way of checking but of specifying what notifications you would like, you need to set the DeliveryNotificationOptions property of the message itself before sending.

Does the local PC have IIS / SMTP installed and configured to allow sending of e-mails? Also when you tried sending via a smtp server did it return any errors? If not did the account you were using have permissions to send / relay through that server?
Thanks PlausiblyDamp for replying. I checked the local pc under administrative tools/services and it says the Iis is running. I dont see anything about smtp though. I dont know anything hardly at all when it comes to things about admisistrative tools, but wouldnt the smtp be installed if i can send mail through the default email handler? Thats what I originally was trying to do was to get the submit button to use the default mail handler of the persons pc that wanted to purchase the product. I just used the deliverynotificationoption to see if it went through ok, which I just removed.

Yes I got an error when I tried to send it via smtp. I uploaded a jpeg of it to show you. Is there something Im missing in the code above that directs the info to be sent from someones computer using their default mail client?