Easter Eggs?


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2003
tis the time of the year when youre eagerly looking forward to getting them from your bunny, but are there any known in .NET?

I believe MS has stopped putting "big" easter eggs in their products. They took some heat a few years ago for "wasted resources" and other such nonsense. People have enough ammo when it comes to complaining about MS products so they decided to cut them out. Thats not to say they dont exist, but I think the official word is no more easter eggs.

Its too bad - I thought it was cool to play the "flight sim" thingy in Excel and the first person "shooter" game, too (where you find the secret room with pictures of the developers). I cant remember which versions or products, but I found them all by using the tips on the eeggs.com site.

I rather thought they would begin disappearing, or at least not get the publicity of days gone by, given how the Best Practicies efforts and book series has begun to be put forth lately from MS.

Kind of wouldnt be good press to be trying to advance the Best Practices efforts and at the same time loading up more eastereggs in the product base :(
I dont think that easter eggs are anything to complain about. I dont think that they are a waste of time, effort, or resources. I think that they are merely an acknowlegement that the programmers and the users are still both humans, and there should be no reason why people cant smile now and then while using Excel or Visual Studio. Thats just my opinion, but I think that its nice to, now and then, have a reminder that real people work at Microsoft.