I have two files in visual source safe one with global.asa
and the other global.asax,global.asax.res, global.asax.vb.
The global.asa contains the following:
C.C. Financial Evaluation Model global.asa
Copyright 2001 Zurich North America
Corporate Customer
You can add special event handlers in this file that will get run automatically when
special Active Server Pages events occur. To create these handlers, just create a
subroutine with a name from the list below that corresponds to the event you want to
use. For example, to create an event handler for Session_OnStart, you would put the
following code into this file (without the comments):
Sub Session_OnStart
**Put your code here
End Sub
EventName Description
Session_OnStart Runs the first time a user runs any page in your application
Session_OnEnd Runs when a users session times out or quits your application
Application_OnStart Runs once when the first page of your application is run for the first time by any user
Application_OnEnd Runs once when the web server shuts down
Dim aDBParams()
Dim aEntParams()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRead
Dim nParamCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt
Function ParseString (SubStrs, argSrcStr, Delimiter )
Dimension variables:
ReDim SubStrs(0)
Dim CurPos
Dim NextPos
Dim DelLen
Dim nCount
Dim TStr
Dim SrcStr
Add delimiters to start and end of string to make loop simpler:
SrcStr = Delimiter & SrcStr & Delimiter
Calculate the delimiter length only once:
DelLen = Len(Delimiter)
Initialize the count and position:
nCount = 0
CurPos = 1
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)
Loop searching for delimiters:
Do Until NextPos = 0
Extract a sub-string:
TStr = Mid(SrcStr, CurPos + DelLen, NextPos - CurPos - DelLen)
Increment the sub string counter:
nCount = nCount + 1
Add room for the new sub-string in the array:
ReDim Preserve SubStrs(nCount)
Put the sub-string in the array:
SubStrs(nCount) = Trim(TStr)
Position to the last found delimiter:
CurPos = NextPos
Find the next delimiter:
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)
Return the number of sub-strings found:
ParseString = nCount
End Function
Use Application variables since they do not change from session to session
Sub application_OnStart()
Dim sDBParams()
Dim sEntParms()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRd
Dim nParmCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt
=========> ChannelZ Home page <=================
Development Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chzdev.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chzstaging.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chz.zurichna.com"
=========> IIS Home page <=================
Dev Server
application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chzdev.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
*application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chzstaging.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
*application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chz.zurichna.com"
=========> Enterprise Risk Home page <=================
Dev Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zaiadev.zurichna.com"
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "" Cutover
Staging Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zuserstg.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zuser.zurichna.com"
=========> Enterprise Risk WEB Paths used by Financial Model <=================
--> Applications Home Page
Application("applications_home_page_path") = "corporate_customer/applications"
--> Financial Model directory structure
Application("financial_model_path") = "corporate_customer/applications/financial_evaluation_model"
=========> Enterprise Risk Application Variables used by Financial Evaluation Model <=================
=========> These are used by the reporting section <=================
the following applications variables are initialized from the registry of the server
DataBase Server Name = Application("Data Source")
DataBase Name = Application("Initial Catalog")
userid for reporting = Application("User Id")
Password for reporting userid = Application("Password")
see file regcom.reg for setup of registry entry
set objRegRead = server.CreateObject("ZUSER_FinMRdRegKy.clReadReg")
sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","Connect")
nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if
sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","ReportsDSN")
set pobjRegRead = Nothing
nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if
=========> Domino Web servers <=================
Dev Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznalpha2.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznbeta2.zurichna.com"
Production Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznweb2.zurichna.com"
End Sub
and this is the global.asax.vb:
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports clsRegistryRead
Public Class Global
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
#Region " Component Designer Generated Code "
Public Sub New()
This call is required by the Component Designer.
Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
End Sub
Required by the Component Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Component Designer
It can be modified using the Component Designer.
Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
End Sub
#End Region
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the application is started
Dim rReg As New clsRegistryRead.FinMod_RegistryReader()
Application("ConnectString") = rReg.GetCurrUserRegistryValue(".Default\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ZUSER_FinM\Database", "Connect")
End Sub
Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the session is started
End Sub
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires at the beginning of each request
End Sub
Sub Application_AuthenticateRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires upon attempting to authenticate the use
End Sub
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when an error occurs
End Sub
Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the session ends
End Sub
Sub Application_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the application ends
End Sub
End Class
Which one is being run when the default.asp page is being loaded?
and the other global.asax,global.asax.res, global.asax.vb.
The global.asa contains the following:
C.C. Financial Evaluation Model global.asa
Copyright 2001 Zurich North America
Corporate Customer
You can add special event handlers in this file that will get run automatically when
special Active Server Pages events occur. To create these handlers, just create a
subroutine with a name from the list below that corresponds to the event you want to
use. For example, to create an event handler for Session_OnStart, you would put the
following code into this file (without the comments):
Sub Session_OnStart
**Put your code here
End Sub
EventName Description
Session_OnStart Runs the first time a user runs any page in your application
Session_OnEnd Runs when a users session times out or quits your application
Application_OnStart Runs once when the first page of your application is run for the first time by any user
Application_OnEnd Runs once when the web server shuts down
Dim aDBParams()
Dim aEntParams()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRead
Dim nParamCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt
Function ParseString (SubStrs, argSrcStr, Delimiter )
Dimension variables:
ReDim SubStrs(0)
Dim CurPos
Dim NextPos
Dim DelLen
Dim nCount
Dim TStr
Dim SrcStr
Add delimiters to start and end of string to make loop simpler:
SrcStr = Delimiter & SrcStr & Delimiter
Calculate the delimiter length only once:
DelLen = Len(Delimiter)
Initialize the count and position:
nCount = 0
CurPos = 1
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)
Loop searching for delimiters:
Do Until NextPos = 0
Extract a sub-string:
TStr = Mid(SrcStr, CurPos + DelLen, NextPos - CurPos - DelLen)
Increment the sub string counter:
nCount = nCount + 1
Add room for the new sub-string in the array:
ReDim Preserve SubStrs(nCount)
Put the sub-string in the array:
SubStrs(nCount) = Trim(TStr)
Position to the last found delimiter:
CurPos = NextPos
Find the next delimiter:
NextPos = InStr(CurPos + DelLen, SrcStr, Delimiter)
Return the number of sub-strings found:
ParseString = nCount
End Function
Use Application variables since they do not change from session to session
Sub application_OnStart()
Dim sDBParams()
Dim sEntParms()
Dim sRegSetting
Dim objRegRd
Dim nParmCnt
Dim nEntCnt
Dim nLoopCnt
=========> ChannelZ Home page <=================
Development Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chzdev.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chzstaging.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
application("ChannelZSvr") = "http://chz.zurichna.com"
=========> IIS Home page <=================
Dev Server
application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chzdev.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
*application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chzstaging.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
*application("IISHomeURL") = "http://chz.zurichna.com"
=========> Enterprise Risk Home page <=================
Dev Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zaiadev.zurichna.com"
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "" Cutover
Staging Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zuserstg.zurichna.com"
Prod Server
application("Ent_Risk_Home") = "http://zuser.zurichna.com"
=========> Enterprise Risk WEB Paths used by Financial Model <=================
--> Applications Home Page
Application("applications_home_page_path") = "corporate_customer/applications"
--> Financial Model directory structure
Application("financial_model_path") = "corporate_customer/applications/financial_evaluation_model"
=========> Enterprise Risk Application Variables used by Financial Evaluation Model <=================
=========> These are used by the reporting section <=================
the following applications variables are initialized from the registry of the server
DataBase Server Name = Application("Data Source")
DataBase Name = Application("Initial Catalog")
userid for reporting = Application("User Id")
Password for reporting userid = Application("Password")
see file regcom.reg for setup of registry entry
set objRegRead = server.CreateObject("ZUSER_FinMRdRegKy.clReadReg")
sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","Connect")
nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if
sRegSetting = objRegRead.ReadReg("ZUSER_FinM","Database","ReportsDSN")
set pobjRegRead = Nothing
nParamCnt = ParseString(aDBParams,sRegSetting,";")
for nLoopCnt = 1 to nParamCnt -1 step 1
nEntCnt = ParseString(aEntParams,aDBParams(nLoopCnt),"=")
if nEntCnt = 2 then
Application(aEntParams(1))= aEntParams(2)
end if
=========> Domino Web servers <=================
Dev Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznalpha2.zurichna.com"
Staging Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznbeta2.zurichna.com"
Production Server
application("DominoHomeURL") = "http://usznweb2.zurichna.com"
End Sub
and this is the global.asax.vb:
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.SessionState
Imports clsRegistryRead
Public Class Global
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
#Region " Component Designer Generated Code "
Public Sub New()
This call is required by the Component Designer.
Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
End Sub
Required by the Component Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Component Designer
It can be modified using the Component Designer.
Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
End Sub
#End Region
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the application is started
Dim rReg As New clsRegistryRead.FinMod_RegistryReader()
Application("ConnectString") = rReg.GetCurrUserRegistryValue(".Default\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ZUSER_FinM\Database", "Connect")
End Sub
Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the session is started
End Sub
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires at the beginning of each request
End Sub
Sub Application_AuthenticateRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires upon attempting to authenticate the use
End Sub
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when an error occurs
End Sub
Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the session ends
End Sub
Sub Application_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Fires when the application ends
End Sub
End Class
Which one is being run when the default.asp page is being loaded?