With the code down here, I can find all the Table Names of a database in Access, but ........ I like to know also the query-names of that database.
Can anybody tell me how to do this ? ?
I cant find it.
Iam from the Netherlands so the code is not all English.
Greetings Bas.
Can anybody tell me how to do this ? ?
I cant find it.
Iam from the Netherlands so the code is not all English.
Greetings Bas.
dbTableNames = objConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim TabelNaam As String
Dim nr As Int16 = 0
For Each drTabelNamen In dbTableNames.Rows
TabelNaam = drTabelNamen.Item(2).ToString
MakeTabbleButtons(TabelNaam, nr)
nr = nr + 1
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