how do I 'copy' my project to be transported by cd?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2004
Hello, I need to upload my project via sftp to my webserver.. I know if you publish it via frontpage extensions or \\servername\ you have the ability to just publish the data that is needed to be published.. aka not all the dev files as well..

How can I do this but over sftp?

If you are deploying by CD you can build a setup project from within Visual Studio - this will deploy all the required files, create the virtual directory etc.

If you are using some other method it is just a matter of not including the .cs / .vb, .sln, .suo, .csproj, .vbproj files.
Im not sure if it is any different for web dev, but if you set everything up right, all you need should be in the appropriate bin folder. Files that should be included should be added to a project with the build action set as "Content." This will cause them to be copied to the output directory. Anything else you need should be embedded as a resource or code.

But, again, Im not sure if it is different for web development. Id imagine that there could be a lot more files and details involved.
I normally use a command line ftp that do the trick for me.

Its exactly what PlausiblyDamp said. Copy all .aspx, .asax, folders, css, etc... at the right place and youre ready.

I dont know any trick to do that from VS2003. Unless they built an addon that do the FTP transfer for you.