File Download


May 19, 2005
Hi all

1st Question.
How i can know that the file already successfully downloaded into local path in client pc. Im using the the Repsonse.Wirte(FilePath)

2nd Question
All the file to download will display in the datagrid and 1 of the column display the status of the file either "Downloaded" or "Not yet downloaded"
After i Downloaded the File i will update the status for the particular File in database. The status was updated in db and i try to bind the datagrid back but it seems like not working...

Any comments? Please help i am stuck :confused:

Thanks in advance
It seems like hard to check the file is successfully saved to the client pc. Is it possible to get any download manager to integrate wif my project?
I dont mind it is a comercial software. Any suggestion??
Please help this feature is very important in my project...
Thanks in advance.