change my ip address


New member
May 24, 2006

i was surfing on the bbc website the other day and was amazed how many programs they offer online these days. since im a true anglophile i must say i got very excited about it.. untill i realized that one needs to be in the uk to be able to watch them.
if you want to try it, see e.g.

i wondered whether there would be a way to deceive the bbc server and make him believe that i am in the uk.. i imagine it could be possible if you could change your ip adress.

i found this site,, that offers a program that seem to able to do this. but a) i dont feel like paying money for this, is there maybe a free option you know of, and b) i dont entirely trust this.

can anyone give me advise on this.

the computer says no

thanks for the tip.. but the computer says no. lol.

heres what ive done.. maybe i did something wrong. i first tried to use a proxy in my webbrowser (firefox). this didnt work, presumably b/c my provider uses a proxy.

then i tried to change the preference in mij real one player. i set up a uk proxy and it worked for surfing inside real one player, but somehow, mystically, the bbc server still recognised me as being foreign.

any more tips?

grtz, k
I dont know anything about them but... of course if all your data is not relayed through the proxy, then the other website will tell you that you are not in a valid country.

However... I cant really help more since this is where my knowledge stop in that era. For everything else there is Google.