Notebook advice please


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
My daughter is going to college this fall and I want to get her a notebook computer.

The last 4-5 computers we have bought have been Dell. For reasons that I am not even quite sure of, I dont think I want another Dell.

Anyone have any suggestions of what brand to get?

If you think Dells the best, Id like to hear that too.

If you give me your #, Id like to discuss this topic with your daughter.
Or her yahoo/msn/email will suffice.
Diesel said:
If you give me your #, Id like to discuss this topic with your daughter.
Or her yahoo/msn/email will suffice.

and you wonder why youre not an admin. ;)

I dont see how you can type being so ham handed.
Never does a man portray his character more vividly then his proclaiming the character of another.

Winstar notebooks have amazingly clear screens.
Diesel said:
Never does a man portray his character more vividly then his proclaiming the character of another.
My character recognizes ( and appreciates ) B.S. when he sees it.

You stated your opinion without any phone numbers, email addresses or nuthin.

I appreciate that too... thanks :)
For such questions realolman, I strongly encourage you to post at

Anyway, I once posted there with the same question. And most of them said Acer and Fujitsu were the best choices, so, I got the Acer with a AMD Turion 64bit, and you know what? Im trully happy with it! :)