Slow Loading Controls


Apr 2, 2006
I have created an application that is extremely graphic intensive and uses many controls; im having a visual problem with labels loading in a linear fashion when I would rather them load in the background and then all show at once.

In example:

I have a form with 28 labels, when the form sets those labels to visible it takes about 2 seconds for them all to load and you see them load one by one.

Also another example is having that number of labels on a form and then bringing a form on top of the form with the labels and then sending the form without the labels to back, it reloads all the labels in the same fashion.

If there is a way to make them just all pop up on screen at once that would be great.

I have tried DoEvents, Redraws, Suspend Layout, Resume Layout, without much success. Any information would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.