What does this do: || '' = ''


Well-known member
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
I am taking over a Sybase app for a new company, and wading through the SQL statements of a guy who knew one variable type: the string

One of his queries includes in the Where clause of a SQL statement:

Where <Var> || =

Which I think is supposed to handle the possibility of <Var> being Null (in this case, <Var> is representing the variable name, and the variable is an integer in the table from whence it comes).

Am I right? Has anyone seen this before?
I dont know didly about databases, but Ive never seen || mean anything except "or".
I wish it were that simple

A sample of the statement would be:

Where (CheckInDate=20060606 OR ReqStayDaysMax || = )

ReqStayDaysMax is an Int value, so I tend to think that is a week attempt to say Is Not Null