Found and Displayed specific nodes but how can I edit it


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2005
I am a Pastor and I am writing a Church membership addressbook using xml as my database....

What I have at the moment is this...

I have a Datagridview of which I can read and edit and save back to the xml file.

However, I am not really a fan of the DataGrid view at least for my address book.

So, I have created a form that has Labels and textboxes on it of which I can display the specifc members names and any data related to them within these textboxes.

But what I havent found via online or here yet is how I might edit that information displayed in the textboxes and save it back to my xml file like I can in the datagridview.

Here is an example of my xml file structure...
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
       <Name> Smith, John</Name>
       <Name> Doe, John</Name>

This is an example of the simular structure of my actual xml file though the names were changed to protect the innocent.... hehe anyone just hear Dragnet music..

Anyway, I can Parse my xml file which contains 50 or so names instead of just 2 as above... and display them in textboxes and labels for some of the info.

Using my DataGrid I can add new Tables and fields or edit any fields as seen above.... such as name or email and and such like.

But How can I edit the xml file with the textboxes instead of the DataGrid?

Here is a code example of how I am getting the info to textboxes....

 Sub DisplayMember(ByVal Posistion As Integer)
        Dim node As XmlNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode( _
          "/ChurchMemberShip/Members[" & Posistion & "]")
        Dim intRN As Integer = node.SelectSingleNode("Mem_T").InnerText
        Dim strName As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText
        Dim strLname As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Last_Name").InnerText
        Dim strFname As String = node.SelectSingleNode("First_Name").InnerText
        Dim strPhone As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Phone").InnerText
        Dim strAddress As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Address").InnerText
        Dim strCity As String = node.SelectSingleNode("City").InnerText
        Dim strState As String = node.SelectSingleNode("State").InnerText
        Dim strZip As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Zip").InnerText
        Dim strVisit As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Visit_Dates").InnerText
        Dim strNotes As String = node.SelectSingleNode("Notes").InnerText

        lblName.Text = strName
        lblPhone.Text = strPhone
        txtName.Text = strName
        txtLastName.Text = strLname
        txtFirstName.Text = strFname
        txtPhone.Text = strPhone
        txtAddress.Text = strAddress
        cboCity.Text = strCity
        txtState.Text = strState
        txtZip.Text = strZip
        If Not (strVisit Is Nothing) Then

        End If
        txtNote.Text = strNotes
        lblRNum.Text = intRN


    End Sub
    Private Sub lstNames_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstNames.SelectedIndexChanged
        DisplayMember(lstNames.SelectedIndex + 1)
    End Sub

This adds all the names to a listbox of which as I am using arrow keys to move up and down the list it automatically adds the info from the xml file to the textboxes and labels....

But this brings me to why I started this thread.... How can I create an edit button that would allow me to update.... using the textboxes not the datagridview?

I have searched all over and have not found an example that would deal with a singlenode using a textbox and then update the existing xml file...

PLease help

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I figured out how to edit the displayed data that is within the Textboxes. It was in fact quite easy well... once I figured it out, finding out was long and tiresome.
