I have a report embedded in my application. I can view it within my application at runtime using these two lines here:
I do not have a username/password for my database file, its just a database level password. The rest of my application uses it just fine. I can open my crystal report just fine. However. I need to be able to automate the export to pdf option. ( yes i know its available on the view window but i need to be able to build a pdf and email it in the background)
im trying to do it with the following code
have tried this too
Im stuck. I can not pass the password correctly using the above methods. I have read so much and tried so many different examples, but they were all for workgroup accounts and not a database level pw. please help....
CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo(0).ConnectionInfo.Password = Chr(10) + "mypassword"
CrystalReportViewer1.SelectionFormula = "({OrderHistory.OrderNumber}=""" & ListView5.SelectedItems(0).Text & """)"
I do not have a username/password for my database file, its just a database level password. The rest of my application uses it just fine. I can open my crystal report just fine. However. I need to be able to automate the export to pdf option. ( yes i know its available on the view window but i need to be able to build a pdf and email it in the background)
im trying to do it with the following code
Report.SetDatabaseLogon("", "mypassword")
Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "({OrderHistory.OrderNumber}=""" & ListView5.SelectedItems(0).Text & """)"
Report.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, "test.pdf")
have tried this too
Report.Database.Tables("OrderHistory").LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = Chr(10) + "mypassword"
Report.Database.Tables("OrderHistoryList").LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = Chr(10) + "mypassword"
Im stuck. I can not pass the password correctly using the above methods. I have read so much and tried so many different examples, but they were all for workgroup accounts and not a database level pw. please help....