Easy - caching question - idea needed


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2004
I have to code a Windows app in ASP.net 2.0/VB.Net. Been reading about caching.

The page has 6 different sections: section for user address, section for user debt info, section for user phone numbers.etc.

Now, I know i can make each section into a usercontrol and have caching enabled for each section BUT...what if a client has , for example, 3000 users...so Ill have 3000+ different cached pages in memory for each user/each usercontrol??

Is caching a good idea to do here or just pull the data from database each time?
The only real way to know for sure is by running some performance tests on the system and see how it behaves (either under a simulated load or ideally real load) with various caching options and settings in place.