Problems with Timeout


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
I am trying to set the timeout of my site to 20 minutes, however I cannot seem to get it to work. Some pages will timeout after about 5 minutes, others will do so after 60 minutes.

Here is what I have done so far:
1. I have set the timeout value in the web.config file:
<authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms name="" loginUrl="Index.aspx" timeout="20" />

2. I went to IIS, selected Virtual Directory and clicked on the Configuration button. In the Options tab, I set the session timeout value to 20 minutes and left the ASP Script timeout at 90 seconds.

3. Still in IIS, I selected the Http Headers tab and have selected the "Expire after:" radio button and I have set that to 1 day (Should I set it to longer).

4. Next I went to the ASP.NET tab, and clicked the Edit Configuration button. I selected the Authentication tab, and confirmed that my cookie timeout is set to 20. The tickbox Enable Sliding Expiration is also ticked.

5. I then selected the State Management tab. Here I see that the Session State mode is: InProc, the Cookieless mode is: UseCookies and Session timeout is set to: 20 minutes.

Can anyone suggest what I have done wrong? or why I cannot control the session timeout.

Potential Solution

Ok, I am after finding a beautiful little fix. Simply add the following javascript to your pages.
 var g_nSessionTimeout  = 20; // time out in minutes
 var g_nSessionWarn    = 0; //when to warn ** g_nSessionTimeout - g_nSessionWarn = displayed time when warning is displayed
 var g_nStopMinutes    = ( g_nSessionTimeout - 1 );
 var g_nStopSeconds    = 59; 

 function stop() {
 function sessionTimer() 
 	if ( g_nSessionTimeout != 0 )
    	if ( g_nStopSeconds == 0 )
        	g_nStopSeconds = 59;
           	g_nStopMinutes = ( g_nStopMinutes - 1 );
           	if ( g_nStopMinutes == ( ( g_nSessionTimeout - g_nSessionWarn) - 1 ) )
            	window.alert(For security reasons your session will \n time out in  +  (g_nSessionTimeout - g_nSessionWarn)  +  minutes if there is no activity.);
        	g_nStopSeconds = (g_nStopSeconds - 1);
       	if (g_nStopSeconds <= 9)
        	g_nStopSeconds = "0" + g_nStopSeconds;
       	window.status = (Your Session Will Time Out In  + g_nStopMinutes + : + g_nStopSeconds);
      	if ( ( g_nStopMinutes == 0) && ( g_nStopSeconds == 0) )
       		window.status = Your sesson has been disconnected;
          	var url = location.href;
            arg = "";
            arg = arg + "/default2.aspx";
            url1 = url.substring(0,url.lastIndexOf(".asp")+1);
            top.location.href = url1.substring(0,url1.lastIndexOf("/")+1)+arg; 
    		setTimeout( "sessionTimer()",1000 ); 


It displays a message at the bottom of your page in the explorers bottom bar, that tells you how long you have left till you are logged out.
