Back button problems in I.E. 6


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Hi All,

I have got this issue that seems to only happen in I.E. 6.

I have a datagrid on the page which gives the user 2 options via 2 drop down boxes. The first one is how many results will appear in the datagrid and the second is what criteria to sort the results by. These work great.

The issue is if you click the back button in the browser, the drop down boxes show the criteria the user selected but the datagrid goes back to the default settings.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Cheers, Dave.
What I have noticed is that this problem only happens once, let me explain.

By default the datagrid will show 10 results at a time, but I have chosen to view 20 results at time via one of the drop down boxes.

After hitting the submit button the page reloads using the selected criteria. I have now got my 20 results in the datagrid. There are for example 100 results returned, so there are 5 pages of 20 results to view.

If I click to view the next 20 results the page looks fine. I can go all the way to the end and still it looks fine. The problem is when I start to go back via I.E. 6s back button. Going back through the pages 5-4, 4-3, 3-2 are fine it is when I use the back button to go from result 2-1 where the page reloads using the default criteria as opposed to the criteria I chose.

I hope this makes sense.
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The Page_Load and Next BtnClick code or however its being filtered ...

What I am needing is how the datagrid gets filtered and what funciton calls it ....
The problem turned out to be I.Es lack of reading # in the URL, let me explain.

Lets say the URL started off as and after hitting the button in the datagrid it If you start to go forward in the daatagrid and then go back to the page where you chose your criteria I.E. drops #whatever, which is nice of it. So I.E. will then grab the earlier version of that page. I ended up appending a query string on the end when the button is clicked and when you move back to it I.E. gets the correct page.

Cheers, Dave.