Updating data without sending a new build to the server


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
I have a manager that wants to be able to access a site and update the description of the site that is visible to the user at any time. Can anyone suggest possible solutions, one thing that I was considering was a field in the database that holds the text that the user sees. The second option is a text file which is somehow linked to the .aspx page.

Hi Mike,

If its just for displaying purpose I would rather prefer using a text file.

Provide a interface to the user to write the text, save it in the a text file, read it using filestream from .aspx page and display.

Thanks Jitesh,

"Silly, just after figuring out what was wrong, I should be useing the command InnerHtml instead of InnerText".

I am currently attempting this approach. The only problem that I am having is that the html commands such as <br> and <p> are not being recognised. I have added a div tag, given it an Id and set the runat="server". In my code behind I am using the cmd:(divtagID).InnerText = x where x is a string that contains the data returned from the text file. Any suggestion on how to get the html tags recognised?

I have the above approach working with html table, however I have been told that it needs to be able to work with panel and with absolute postion. When I allow panels, divs, etc. to be set the position: absolute I lose all control over the changeable content.

Can anyone give me a valid reason on why/why not I should use absolute postions?


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