I got a function with the following signature:
(this function resides in SSSCC.DLL)
I cant figure out how should I pass the required array of file names from C# to the lpFileNames argument. Any help will be appreciated. Googling for "LPCSTR* C#" gives 1 or 2 meaningfull rezults, but no one of them helps
Thank you.
I got a function with the following signature:
SCCRTN SccHistory(
LPVOID pvContext,
HWND hWnd,
LONG nFiles,
LPCSTR* lpFileNames,
LONG fOptions,
(this function resides in SSSCC.DLL)
I cant figure out how should I pass the required array of file names from C# to the lpFileNames argument. Any help will be appreciated. Googling for "LPCSTR* C#" gives 1 or 2 meaningfull rezults, but no one of them helps
Thank you.