Site for an auctioneer + storing property details


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Hi all

I am doing up a quick site for an auctioneers business. They want to be able to display details of upcoming and past sales. They want to be able to update the details or insert new details without having to come back to me.

I have selected the repeater control to display all the data, and it works. I am providing the user with a number of text fields into which they can insert some data. However I think that the solution that I have is in appropriate, and instead, I should provide a faciliate whereby the user can upload a word document to the database and the repeater controls displays multiple word documents.

Can anyone suggest if the way I am proceeding is the best option, or is there a better option?

I guess providing both feature would be a plus. If I was the user then Id appreciate a feature where I can type the details myself or simply uploads a file that contains the details.

Either way is good. Both would be better. It all depends on what your customer really needs. Im guessing you havent discuss this with your customer since you simply said "I think" instead of "they requested". :D