Network Application


New member
May 24, 2007
Hi All

I hope you can help.. My company bought in Visual Studio 2005 a few weeks back, so that we can develop in house Front Ends for our SQL databases. I have been given the task of creating these applications. I do not have any prior programming experience apart from coding in Access 97 and 2000 but really only basic stuff. I have a few Visual Studio 2005 books but at the moment going on courses are out of the question, so my next helpline is yourselves.. My company has asked for an application that can do the following.

All computers run either Windows 2000 or XP and the servers are 2000 or 2003

Part one - Network Scan
Type in a Start IP - End Ip and scan all devices within this ip range, a list box will then display all active devices and if possible the following information.. Device Name (Computer Name) / IP Address / Logged in User (Basically something along the lines of Angry IP Scanner

Part two - Domain Scan
On a button click it will Scan a specific OU in a Domain and return a list of users in a list box.
I will also have a list box of Specific servers that will be entered manually. So you select the User and the server, I then want it to check the server and list all the shared directories that this user has access to and what the exact access rights are to the share. If possible I would like this displayed either in two ways, a direct list or a graphical tree view, the direct list would be for printing the access rights the user has. The graphical view would be to quickly see what folders and files a particular user has access to. At the moment we use dumpsec for the above but it is very cumbersome and not very user friendly..

Hope you can help.

