heres what Amir was talking about. when you add an item, it will allow you to add objects. so create a basic object for your "items", then add it.
dim o as New InfoObject
o.setName = "myname"
o.setValue = "myvalue"
For your InfoObect, you will want get/set functions (or use properties if you can so you can just say"myname"
You will also need to override the toString function and return what you want it to display. For example:
Public Overrides Function toString() as String
End Function
in this case, your combobox will display the name of your object in the list
Finally, what this results in is if you ask the combobox for its "SelectedItem" it will return an object of the type you added, so in this case InfoObject. so you can say
o = cbo.selectedItem
name = o.getName
value = o.getValue