Process() Print and Command Prompt


New member
Oct 16, 2007
Please please can some one help me out here...this is making me so frustrated!

I have a text file which I write some data to. I then print this text file in my c# class using the System.Diagnostics.Process() method.

My code looks like this:
//set the command to run via the cmd prompt
command = "print /D:" + printerName + " " + fileName + Convert.ToChar(13);
startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
// use command prompt
startinfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
// /c switch sends a command
startinfo.Arguments = "/C " + command;
// dont exec with shellexecute api
startinfo.UseShellExecute = false;
// redirect stdout to this program
startinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
// dont open a cmd prompt window
startinfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
// start cmd prompt, execute command
myProcess = Process.Start(startinfo);
 // retrieve stdout line by line
stdoutreader = myProcess.StandardOutput;
while ((stdoutline = stdoutreader.ReadLine()) != null)
       consoleoutput = consoleoutput.Insert(consoleoutput.Length, " => " + stdoutline);
stdoutreader = null;
It works great on my local machine. I have now moved it to the test server and have come across this issue. It has confused me and any assistance would be greatly received!

I can execute the following in the command prompt on the server:
print /D:\\\psrpists09 E:\websites\rp\Oral\Print\Referral1.txt
and I get the message: 
E:\websites\rp\Oral\Print\ReferralPatient1.txt is currently being printed
However I execute the same line in my project using the code stated above and get the output of:
Unable to initialize device \\\prrpists09

Why the difference? Both load up the command prompt and execute the same code but have different outputs. Why and how do I go about fixing this?

Any help or ideas?
Many thanks
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Not tried this personally but what happens if you just call the print.exe directly -
startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startinfo.FileName = "print.exe";
startinfo.Arguments = "/D:" + printerName + " " + fileName + Convert.ToChar(13);

does that make a difference?