drawing rectengle

alaa gomaa

New member
Oct 29, 2007
hi every body , its first sharing with you but now i need to your help
i want to draw rectengle as at picture or this photo
i making a graphic program , when i finished it i will be attach at our forums (xtreme)
i am from egypt so my mother language is arabic , so exuseme for any language error .
good bye my friends.
The term youre looking for is "rounded rectangle" - that might help when you go googling for samples.

Ive attached a sample C# project that should do what you want.
The project contains two main files: Form1 and ExtendedGraphics.

ExtendedGraphics was taken directly from CodeProject, found here:

Form1 shows just one way to draw the rectangles. I chose to override the OnPaint event of the form, which gives you a Graphics object. Some people use timers (for a game possibly) and will create their own Graphics object. There are some samples on these forums on how to get that working. Its an artform, in a way, to get fast graphics to draw and often comes down to just how much drawing youll be doing.



thank you very much my brother Nerseus for you help.

that is whate i want, but i want to draw round rectengle by dotnet not c# .
thank you again , i hop you good life