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I have a COM object written in C++ whose class has functions that i am trying to invoke. I am able to instantiate the object and call some functions on it. However, I am stuck at calling one function which keeps giving me a COMException. Looks like it does not like the signature created in the Interop. I tried creating an IL manually from the type library dll, editing it by adding "preservesig" and readding it, but does not help.
I have included the actual source, the IL equivalent and the CSharp code for it.
In the original source code:
HRESULT Read([in] LPUNKNOWN pPos, [in] long pBuffer, [in] long lBufferLen, [out] long * pData, [in] LPUNKNOWN pInfo)
This is how it looks in IL.
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual
instance void Read([in] object marshal( iunknown ) pdb,
[in] int32 pBuffer,
[in] int32 lBufferLen,
[out] int32& pData,
[in] object marshal( iunknown ) pdbImg) runtime managed internalcall
I think I know the iunknown objects, but i am unsure of the int32& parameter and how to call it from csharp. I tried InPtr (maybe i am using it incorrectly).
Here is the CSharp code (just renamed the library names):
using MyCOMLib;
Int32 buffer = 0;
Int32 frameData;
int bufferLen = 256;
MyComObj MyCOMObjInstance = new MyComObj();
MyCOMLib.MyCOMPosInfo oPosInfo = new MyCOMLib.MyCOMPosInfo();
MyCOMLib.MyCOMObjInfo oInfo = new MyCOMLib.MyCOMObjInfo();
MyCOMObjInstance.Read(oPosInfo, buffer, bufferLen, out frameData, oInfo)
It keeps giving me a COMException with a certain HRESULT. Is there something with the way I am calling it in CSharp or does it need a fix in the IL? Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
I have included the actual source, the IL equivalent and the CSharp code for it.
In the original source code:
HRESULT Read([in] LPUNKNOWN pPos, [in] long pBuffer, [in] long lBufferLen, [out] long * pData, [in] LPUNKNOWN pInfo)
This is how it looks in IL.
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual
instance void Read([in] object marshal( iunknown ) pdb,
[in] int32 pBuffer,
[in] int32 lBufferLen,
[out] int32& pData,
[in] object marshal( iunknown ) pdbImg) runtime managed internalcall
I think I know the iunknown objects, but i am unsure of the int32& parameter and how to call it from csharp. I tried InPtr (maybe i am using it incorrectly).
Here is the CSharp code (just renamed the library names):
using MyCOMLib;
Int32 buffer = 0;
Int32 frameData;
int bufferLen = 256;
MyComObj MyCOMObjInstance = new MyComObj();
MyCOMLib.MyCOMPosInfo oPosInfo = new MyCOMLib.MyCOMPosInfo();
MyCOMLib.MyCOMObjInfo oInfo = new MyCOMLib.MyCOMObjInfo();
MyCOMObjInstance.Read(oPosInfo, buffer, bufferLen, out frameData, oInfo)
It keeps giving me a COMException with a certain HRESULT. Is there something with the way I am calling it in CSharp or does it need a fix in the IL? Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,