dataview / datagrid row pointer


Active member
Feb 2, 2007
I am using the following code to filter my datagrids results. The batch number is entered in a text box and then on the keyup event, it fires off the following code:

Dim Hold_Search As Integer
Dim Hold_Field As String

Hold_Search = Me.txt_BatchNumber.Text
Hold_Field = "BatchNumber"

DvBatch.RowFilter = Hold_Field & " = " & Hold_Search
DvBatch.Sort = Hold_Field

It does what it is supposed to do, but the problem is I really dont want the data filtered. What i want is for the datagrid to scroll to the valid row and then keep scrolling based on the clients input until the desired value is reached - but without the filtering or winnowing out of the data.

I hope this makes sense. Can anyone help me ?

laurie mc
The "Find" wants a sort previous to it. So now when I do it like this:

DvBatch.Sort = Hold_Field

what it seems to be doing is only sorting, but it points the column to the very beginning and then doesnt budge on subsequent key strokes.