Global.asax question


Feb 26, 2005
I have this simple code to execute an SQL query
        Dim PretragaAdapter As New mysite.DataSet1Adapters.PRETRAGATableAdapter()

It deletes some rows from a table.
When I put this command in a button everything works just fine, and rows get deleted.

But I want to put it in Global.asax file in Session_end section, so everytime an session ends, this command gets executed

The problem is that this command doesnt work in Session_end event.
I know a session lasts for about 20min, but after couple hours I still dont see any changes in my database.:confused:
Are you storing your session in either SQlServer or a StateServer rather than InProc? If so the session end event will never fire.

Are you using exactly that code above or is the code in the session end slightly different?
The code is exactly the same.
I dont know where Im storing my sessions. Probably InProc cause I didnt configure it otherwise.

How do I configure it to be stored in SQLServer or StateServer?

Does Session_start gets executed if its configured to be stored InProc?
OK, I managed to find out how to configure my SQL server and application to store my session objects...
tnx alot for your answer ;)