Direct3D : Access to Surface to draw with GDI


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Hi every one,

This is my first post... I desesperate to find the solution. This more that 3 days, I have been searching the net...

Here is what I have to do. I have to write an apllication that shows patterns on a small LCD (800x600). but The patterns has to be drawed with GDI in a backbuffer, ans has to be blittered on the screen in the shortest time.
in fact a triggered camera is acquiring on theses paterns.

I was using Directshow, but now as all 2D is deprecated, I try to do it with D3D.

Can someone show me a sample how to draw something on a surface in a backbuffer and show me how to blit it on the screen ?

Thx folks
