Delay execution during printing


New member
Aug 26, 2008
I have an application that prints PDF files using Gnostice PDFtoolkitX. The app looks in a directory and prints each PDF using a foreach loop. If the files are smaller (<5mb) it works fine. However, the actual files will be from 10 - 20 MB and the app crashes (Catrostropic Failure exception) with large files.

Id like to try to introduce a delay after it sends each file to the printer. (Speed really isnt an issue) I think my options are System.Threading.Thread.Sleep or using a Timer. This app does not have a UI so Id rather not use the Timer.

Does just wondering if Thread.Sleep would also stop the processing of the file by the print spooler? Id just like it to pause the beginning of processing the next file to print. Is there another better way to do this?

Sorry if this isnt in the correct topic.

I think there is just a problem with the Gnostice PDFtoolkit that cant handle the large files, and no amount of delay will solve that.