string versus String !


Jun 24, 2009
string versus String !
I have a question (a little embarrassing because I see it so late), what is the difference between String and string ? not in the way that String is a Class and string is a reference type. But rather how to think about them in the term of uses.

I searched and find this piece of gold, but I dont know how to use it very well:
Use "String" to refer specifically to the String class.
Use "string" when referring to an object of the String class.

How to use them, accordingly?
thanks again.
In a nutshell there is no difference. System.String is the underlying type specified by the .Net runtime (CLR) while string is just the C# keyword for the same thing.

Same way then int in C# is the same as Integer in VB.Ner and both are really System.Int32 as far as the CLR is concerned.
look over this file and tell me how are you thinking in improve it !
I spend an entire night at it.
The idea is to have a MAP (on the paper) and rapidly look over it and "remember" what i must to put when I need it.
its like a pocket reminder(a very tiny little map).

of course in time must be the answer....if any...hope so... :)
thanks again.