EDN Admin
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[Broken External Image]:http://ecn.channel9.msdn.com/o9/ch9/3443/563443/Ping67_85_ch9.pngThe final Ping installment of Boys without Foys (Episode*6) has Adam and Paul sharing their insights on what is being chatted about on Microsofts campus.
Heres what is going on this week...
Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools*
Facebook Hits 500 Million
Windows Phone 7s for Softies
Kinect Bundle
...Laura is coming back next week!
[Broken External Image]:http://channel9.msdn.com/563443/WebViewBug.aspx?EVT=0
Heres what is going on this week...
Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools*
Facebook Hits 500 Million
Windows Phone 7s for Softies
Kinect Bundle
...Laura is coming back next week!
[Broken External Image]:http://channel9.msdn.com/563443/WebViewBug.aspx?EVT=0