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[Broken External Image]:http://ecn.channel9.msdn.com/o9/ch9/3944/563944/ELangsStandingRoundtableGeekOut_85_ch9.pngA group of us gathered after a long day of language sessions at*ELC 2010 and a conversation just happened. Sure, we talked about doing this before the camera started rolling, but I pressed record only when the time was right?when EROS creator and BitC designer Jonathan Shapiro asked Newspeaks*Gilad Bracha about his stance on type classes. We then move around the standing circle of language designers and meet E/Cajas Mark S. Miller and one of the AmbientTalk designers, Tom Van Cutsem. It doesnt get any more impromptu than this and we geek out big time. Tune in.[Broken External Image]:http://channel9.msdn.com/563944/WebViewBug.aspx?EVT=0