I hope this thread is the right place for my questions regarding reports.
Im in the learning curve of C#/C++. Ive completed with success a small application which involves GraphicsPath objects used for dynamically drawing on screen custom furniture setups chosen by user.
My present questions concern <span style="text-decoration:underline Reports. I already included a small report in my application which actually makes use of the following components: PrintDocument, PrintDialog and PrintPreviewDialog.
I can see my GraphicsPath objects drawn correctly on first page along with a material list and corresponding totals on second page. So far so good!
I recently read a book on "Client-Side reporting" (which makes use of "Report" item and "ReportViewer" object) and would certainly like to apply those same concepts to my actual application. Before going on with this, I would have these
few questions:
Viewing reports:
1- The author was designing a form with "ReportViewer" object for <span style="text-decoration:underline
each report. Is there a way I can design only ONE form with "ReportViewer" object and then use this only one form for previewing all my reports in my application? If so how?
Multi-sections reports:
2- Ive been programming for many years with other languages. So many times, Ive been asked to build reports made of several sections. An example of this:<br/>
- First page for global infos on project<br/>
- section for detailing materials with subtotals/totals<br/>
- section for detailing labour with subtotals/totals<br/>
- section for detailing subcontracts with subtotals/totals<br/>
- etc.<br/>
- last page with resume including a table with all costs detailed earlier and totals.
Considering that I need to have contiguous page numbering for the whole report, I was wondering how can I build such report? Using "subreports"?
GraphicsPaths in reports:
3- How can I draw "GraphicsPath" objects using "Report" item instead of using PrintDocument like I did?
Other articles/books on the subject:
4- If you have any good articles or books references which would help me learn more about reports, I would certainly like to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for helping.
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I hope this thread is the right place for my questions regarding reports.
Im in the learning curve of C#/C++. Ive completed with success a small application which involves GraphicsPath objects used for dynamically drawing on screen custom furniture setups chosen by user.
My present questions concern <span style="text-decoration:underline Reports. I already included a small report in my application which actually makes use of the following components: PrintDocument, PrintDialog and PrintPreviewDialog.
I can see my GraphicsPath objects drawn correctly on first page along with a material list and corresponding totals on second page. So far so good!
I recently read a book on "Client-Side reporting" (which makes use of "Report" item and "ReportViewer" object) and would certainly like to apply those same concepts to my actual application. Before going on with this, I would have these
few questions:
Viewing reports:
1- The author was designing a form with "ReportViewer" object for <span style="text-decoration:underline
each report. Is there a way I can design only ONE form with "ReportViewer" object and then use this only one form for previewing all my reports in my application? If so how?
Multi-sections reports:
2- Ive been programming for many years with other languages. So many times, Ive been asked to build reports made of several sections. An example of this:<br/>
- First page for global infos on project<br/>
- section for detailing materials with subtotals/totals<br/>
- section for detailing labour with subtotals/totals<br/>
- section for detailing subcontracts with subtotals/totals<br/>
- etc.<br/>
- last page with resume including a table with all costs detailed earlier and totals.
Considering that I need to have contiguous page numbering for the whole report, I was wondering how can I build such report? Using "subreports"?
GraphicsPaths in reports:
3- How can I draw "GraphicsPath" objects using "Report" item instead of using PrintDocument like I did?
Other articles/books on the subject:
4- If you have any good articles or books references which would help me learn more about reports, I would certainly like to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for helping.
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