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<img src="http://ecn.channel9.msdn.com/o9/ch9/6152/566152/PDC1002_85_ch9.png" border="0" /> Content schmontent. Let’s get some fun on. In this week’s episode, after http://twitter.com/anyware @anyware finishes up the important summary of the PDC themes, we move on to more important matters like where the PDC parties are going to be held. Our welcome reception will be held on October 27 at 7pm in the Microsoft Visitor’s Center where you’ll get a chance to buy some http://www.microsoftpdc.com/WhatsHappening/Welcome-Reception-on-Oct-27--Shop-the-Company-Store deeply discounted software , and our main attendee party will be October 28 at http://www.microsoftpdc.com/WhatsHappening/Party-with-PDC-at-Lucky-Strike-Oct-28 Lucky Strike in downtown Bellevue. Make sure you follow our PDC10 http://www.microsoftpdc.com/Agenda agenda so you know where to be when. <img src="http://channel9.msdn.com/566152/WebViewBug.aspx?EVT=0" height="1" width="1" alt="" />
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