Encryption Help?


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
Im trying to write a licensing module of my C# Application. The license file is a basic text file saved on the clients machine which includes an encrypted 64BaseString. Up and until now Ive used the Rijndal method for encrypting and decripting the string
and matching the license up with a special computer id that I generate in code. This method works fine, until I realised that a .NET dll file is quite easy to dissasemble and any programmer can reverse engineer my methods as the encryption/decryption
key is hard coded.<br/>
The only method that I can think of to improve my licensing to make it more secure, is to encrypt the license file contents with a key that I hold secret on my side. Then I want to have a different key hard coded in the system which will be able to decrypt
this text file. But this hard coded key should not be able to encrypt the file again. This would mean that my software will expect an encrypted file and if using the users key to decrypt the file, but the file was hacked and encrypted by the users key -
it wont work. <br/>
The theory makes sense - at least to me, but I just cant find any encryption methodology that can do this. Ive tried RSA, DES, AES and a few others. Could anyone maybe send me in a direction and let me know if this is at all possible.<br/>

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