I have developed a C#(Visual Studio .net 2005) windows application in Windows XP SP2 enviornment. Its perfectly running in this enviornment(Both normal user and administrator user).
I created the setup for this applcation and installed setup in both Windows 7 & vista OS.
It works in Windows XP, but in vista & Window 7 it request the windows administrator account password. How to overcome this??
Please give me an immediate feed back.
Thank you.
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I have developed a C#(Visual Studio .net 2005) windows application in Windows XP SP2 enviornment. Its perfectly running in this enviornment(Both normal user and administrator user).
I created the setup for this applcation and installed setup in both Windows 7 & vista OS.
It works in Windows XP, but in vista & Window 7 it request the windows administrator account password. How to overcome this??
Please give me an immediate feed back.
Thank you.
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