VC++ in VS 2008 and C++/CLI


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
This is a vent representing my vast disappointment in VS 2008 for VC++ .Net developers.

Why bother having Stan Lippman and Herb Sutter created a C++/CLI language for .Net development when Microsoft, and the VC++ development team, are so clearly intent on limiting .Net development with C++/CLI to the smallest subset of .Net development technologies in Visual Studio, while all of the new technologies are given to C# instead ? The bubble has burst with VS 2008 and we are instead finally told quite frankly, by a lead VC++ team developer, that VC++ is not going to be a first-class .Net development language. In that case why bother with C++/CLI, since it serves little to no purpose for C++ programmers anymore. Here is the lineup:

1) ASP .NET, not for C++
2) Web services in .Net, not for C++ and even web services client development is removed in VS 2008.
3) WPF, not for C++ and even creating controls for WPF is absent for C++/CLI.
4) WCF, not for C++.
5) WWF, not for C++
6) LINQ, not for C++.

Finally all advanced web application development is remove from C++ with the abandonment of the ATL Server.

VS 2008 is an abortion for C++ .Net developers in every way. The message is now clear from Microsoft and the pretense is finally dropped "If you want to do .Net development in C++, just forget about it and start programming in C#". It should have been clear from the beginning, with the miraculously appearing loader lock bug, but now is transparent.

Instead the big news in VC++ for VS 2008 is Vista updates for MFC of all technologies. Gee, I am sure glad I learned a RAD technology like .Net so I could go back to doing MFC development.

C++/CLI is such a good language, with so much careful and intelligent decisions made so that it is superior to C# in almost every way, that it is sad to finally realize that Microsoft never had any plans for C++ developers to effectively compete with C# developers in the .Net world. It was just a sop so that they could attract C++ developers and turn them toward C#.

Stan Lippman, Herb Sutter, Brandon Bray,  and others, you should all be ashamed of yourselves in leading VC++ straight to a dead end of programming for .Net.

Since this will disappear soon from this forum, thanks to the Microsoft thought police, I hope some VC++ developers read this and reflect on it before it does. I know that no one from the VC++ development team will ever answer any of it. They are way too busy touting the little thay have done for VS 2008, as if it was significant, and knuckling under Microsofts policy of denigrating C++ for .Net.

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