Hi,<br/> I am developing a client-server application.<br/> <br/> The server listens on a socket.Before it accepts i need to display a the ips addresses of the clients that are trying to <br/> connect to it.Then the server chooses which client to accept.Do we have a way to do this.???<br/> <br/> In case the above is not possible.Either after accepting multiple connections i need to ask the server which client to connect to.<br/> <br/> I will give you an example of what i am exactly doing.<br/> <br/> I want my server to bind to clients cmd.exe (Similar to telnet,ftp).So whenever the clients send a request i need to pause and ask the server to which client should i bind to.Based on the server response it should bind to the corresponding clients cmd.exe<br/> <br/> Thanks,<br/> <br/> Paul.
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