Unable to compile my C++ wrapper using Toolkit V90


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
Hi all
I have created a .NET wrappe in C++ that enables us to use our .NET classes from a standard Win32 application. This works just fine. Everything is written in Visual Studio 2010
Problem is that these apps are to be run in Win2003 and WinXP. This means the customers must have .NET FW4 because the Toolkit V100 seams to require FW4 and we cant require this from our customers. So I tryed to chage to V90, but then I got the
message to install VS++ 2008 for FW3.5 support
Ok, so I did. I have now installed VS2008 on the computer and the compiler start to compile.
But now I can compile because the C++ compiler fails with an error:
Error C1001: An internal error has occured in the compiler
Ok. I then started to search for this and found some other postings covering this matter, but not really any good one. At least, Im not able to fix the problem.
Allso, it looks like the problem is related to this line in my code:
return gcnew String(pPassedCHAR);
Because, if I comment this line, the program compiles just fine
Please help, and please - do not try to involve some complex solution because Im coding C# at a daily base and this C++ project is only something that I managed to put together to create this wrapper. I have never coded in C++ and have no idea how
this compiler works, so be gentle ;-)
------------------------------------------- Ole Morten Heien HD Software / Advisor AS -------------------------------------------

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