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Backstage at CES 2011 I bumped into some friends from The Office Blog. Jessica Reading gives us some insight into what we have to look forward to in 2011 and we meet a One Note wiz. Please excuse my audio on this one. I had a lav microphone clipped to my shirt and for some reason it wasnt turned on. You know its Vegas. That kind of thing happens...along with lots of other things that shouldnt happen. <img src=http://ecn.channel9.msdn.com/o9/content/images/emoticons/emotion-1.gif?v=c9 alt=Smiley /> <img src="http://m.webtrends.com/dcs1wotjh10000w0irc493s0e_6x1g/njs.gif?dcssip=channel9.msdn.com&dcsuri=http://channel9.msdn.com/Feeds/RSS&WT.dl=0&WT.entryid=Entry:RSSView:d0b65ffbdf034fefa9399e67014c2b1c
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